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Box Lunch Program & Pizza Days ~

December Box Lunch Opportunities


Menu for Thursday, December 6


· Chicken teriyaki bites

· Rice

· Zucchini

· Water bottle


Junior size meal: $4

Full-size meal: $6


Reservations and payment must be received in the school office by the end of the day Wednesday, December 5.


Reservations and payments can also be made online.


Our goal is to provide a box lunch option for students featuring home-made fare from local vendors.

Pizza Days are on the calendar monthly. Pizza, milk, fruit/veggie are the regular menu. A $2 fee is charged. Reservations do not need to be made for Pizza Day. Please pay classroom teachers by Thursday of Pizza Day week.

1st Semester Elementary Pizza Day:


Fridays -

August 31

September 28

October 25

November 30

December 14

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